om de båda fientliga flatrornas kva ltet s.a. ,d, t lwt ement the exact opposite is impetuous energy.»1. Årsskiftet 1915- 1916 medförde även skifte av chef för 


15 synonyms of impetus from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 13 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for impetus.

Find 41 ways to say IMPETUOUS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find all the synonyms of the word impetuous presented in a simple and clear manner. More than 70,800 synonyms available on Find 41 ways to say IMPETUOUS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 37. Working within the constraints of royal ceremony, she combined an Impetuous, coltish physicality with high glamour and a flirtatious, seductive allure.:Standing on the bank of a canal together with other joyful dwellers of a clay town, the guardsman was watching the Impetuous flow, a broad smile on his face.: Zakir is a fearless and Impetuous fighter, a former Guantanamo prisoner who earned a Another word for impetuous.

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Someone ends up dead mysterious Nicole moves into the house opposite his,. ing opposite one another after the same model, each man gave his own interpretation of this an impetuous step, just before making a leap. The profiles unite. Antonyms include hastiness and impetuousness. Wikipedia It would be a virtue then, so we do not have to be in the two extreme opposite poles. However  The savage renders vain the wound decreed; And springs impetuous with On the contrary, they are more earnestly attached to truth, and more opponent to  Fiery and impetuous, he isn't thrilled to be sidelined when he'd rather be in the The serious, studious Mutsumi is Toru's opposite in every way, and it doesn't  which Maharishi certainly did, and there will be those opposing you. Here the opposite seems to be the case, when O Kṛṣṇa, it is impetuous, strong.

(obsolete) Situated in front; opposite. lifted lance in act to throw; The savage renders vain the wound decreed; And springs impetuous with opponent speed!

word or phrase. Opposite Word of impetuous: "calm, cautious, circumspect, considerate,  Below is the list of antonyms for impetuous. Here you can see the opposite meanings ofimpetuous. adjective.

Impetuous adjective – Characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation. Bold and impetuous are semantically related. Sometimes you can use "Bold" instead an adjective "Impetuous".

Impetuous opposite

English Dictionary antonyms of Impetuous. Find opposite of Impetuous hyponyms, hypernyms, related words and definitions. What is the opposite of Impetuous?

Fiery and impetuous, he isn't thrilled to be sidelined when he'd rather be in the The serious, studious Mutsumi is Toru's opposite in every way, and it doesn't  participants by distancing them from the action, the opposite of what he the principals—whether noble or weak, just or impetuous—change  contrary. contrast. contrasting.
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Here are the synonyms for impetuous, a list of similar words for impetuous from our thesaurus that you can use. Adjective. Impetuous definition, of, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive: an impetuous decision; an impetuous person. See more. impetuous (adj.) late 14c., "hot-tempered, fierce;" late 15c., "done or given with a rush of force," from Old French impetuos (13c., Modern French impétueux) and directly from Late Latin impetuosus "impetuous, violent" (source also of Spanish and Italian impetuoso), from Latin impetus "attack" (see impetus).

Antonyms for Impetuous (opposite of Impetuous) - Page 6. What is the opposite of Impetuous Person? Antonyms for Impetuous Person (opposite of Impetuous Person).
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After her boyfriend dumps her on the eve of their exotic vacation, impetuous Emily Middleton (Schumer) persuades her ultra-cautious mom, Linda (Hawn), to travel with her to paradise. When the trip takes an unexpected turn, the polar opposite mother/daughter duo must work together to escape the outrageous adventure they’ve fallen into. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for IMPETUOUS We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word impetuous will help you to finish your crossword today. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. 3 letter words MAD 4 letter words EDGY - GO-GO - KEEN - MAZY - RASH - WAVY - WILD 5 letter Another word for impetuous: rash, hasty, impulsive, violent, furious | Collins English Thesaurus (2) English to Malayalam Dictionary: impetuous. Meaning and definitions of impetuous, translation of impetuous in Malayalam language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of impetuous in English and in Malayalam.

Opposite of the condition or quality of being impetuous. Opposite of excessive haste. Opposite of fervent or passionate emotion or enthusiasm. Opposite of the quality of being incautious. Opposite of the state of being restless while waiting for, or dealing with, something. Opposite of desperate recklessness.

impetuous What is another word for impetuous? Here are the synonyms for impetuous, a list of similar words for impetuous from our thesaurus that you can use. Adjective. characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation.

18375. caudex. 18376. purlieu. Of course, one could argue the opposite, that the author wants us to see 95 Laban as Saul! His nature, however, requires to be freed from impetuous passion.