Piątym gatunkiem jest nasz Honduran Red Point. Pojawią się głosy, że HRP jest odmianą geograficzną A. Siquia (tak podają np. na wikipedii). W 2008 roku, Oldrich Rican w swoich badaniach zasugerował, że ryby z rodzaju Amatitlania i Cryptoheros należałoby połączyć w rodzaju Hypsophrys (bazalciki).


Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus"Honduras red point" Amatitlania nigrofasciata ' Honduras' war lange unter verschiedenen Synonymen wie z.B. Archocentrus 

Dyrehandel i Frihedens Butikscenter i Hvidovre. Lokation: Honduras. Størrelse: Sværhedsgrad: Temperatur: Alder: 9 år. Min. akvarie størrelse: Jun 10, 2018 - Cryptoheros, sp. "Honduran Red Point" - Google Search Honduran Red Point (Female) 10/14/2012: This is a new female HRP female that my good friend gave me to pair up with the male above. I like her colors, but her stripes and face looks a bit off. Cryptoheros sp.

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Collected at Rio Danli near the capital of Honduras Tegucigalpa, this fish is a beautiful species. It is not or even similar to the common convict (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) as some believe. Sök endast i rubriker Sök endast i 07. Amerikanska ciklider. Sök. Avancerad sökning Se hela listan på gcca.net Gute Pflege danken die Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus ihrem Pfleger mit vielen Nachkommen und einer Honduran Red Point Convict Cichlids Amatitlania sp. Honduras Red Point Cryptoheros sp. Honduran Red Point.

Jun 10, 2018 - Cryptoheros, sp. "Honduran Red Point" - Google Search

100 cm. Honduras red point wird ca.

Utbredning Länder | FAO områden | Ekosystem | Förekomster | Point map | Utplanteringar | Faunafri. North America: Honduras and Guatemala.

Cryptoheros honduran red point

Pojawią się głosy, że HRP jest odmianą geograficzną A. Siquia (tak podają np. na wikipedii). W 2008 roku, Oldrich Rican w swoich badaniach zasugerował, że ryby z rodzaju Amatitlania i Cryptoheros należałoby połączyć w rodzaju Hypsophrys (bazalciki).

Ajouter au panier. En stock. Subscribe to when in stock. Please enter a valid email  Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus"Honduras red point" Amatitlania nigrofasciata ' Honduras' war lange unter verschiedenen Synonymen wie z.B. Archocentrus  Achat en ligne de poissons et d'invertébrés d'eau douce ou d'eau de mer pour aquarium • Cryptoheros sp. HONDURAS RED POINT Aquaterra-Diffusion. Hondruan Red Point.
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HONDURAS RED POINT Aquaterra-Diffusion.

Maximum size: 13 cm / 5 inches. Environment: freshwater. Cryptoheros sp.
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Cryptoheros sp. "Honduran Red Point", Archocentrus sp. "HRP", Archocentrus sp. "Honduran Blue" Origin [edit | edit source] Found in streams of Honduras. Sexing [edit | edit source] Male has dorsal and anal fin extensions. In many cases, the female will develop orange-red markings on underside and dorsal fin when ready to mate.

Button Text. Honduran Red Point (Male). 10/14/2012: This is a HRP male that my friend gave me a few  L'Amatitlania sp.

Cryptoheros sp. Honduras — auteur incomplet — , date à préciser Cryptoheros sp. Honduras [ 1 ] ou Cryptoheros sp. "Honduran red point" [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] est une espèce de poissons de la famille des cichlidae et de l' ordre des Perciformes .

Amatitlania sp Cryptoheros cutteri Weinrotflossiger Buntbarsch Cryptoheros nanoluteus Gelber Panamabuntbarsch. Cryptoheros nanoluteus ”Rio Caniazas” Paraneetroplus synispila Lamprologus brevis ”Sunspot Ikola” Neolamprologus Poecilia wingei (Endler, red scarlet) Poecilia Xiphophorus helleri ”Honduras” (Svärdbärare vildform) Xiphophorus  Utbredning: Malawisjön: på ostkusten mellan Cobue och Tumbi Point. Temp: 23-27 Utbredning: Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica och Panama. Temp: 22-26 Zebraciklid.

The eggs are laid on a flat surface. The female is in charge of guarding the eggs while the male guards the breeding territory. Picture of Blue Convict, Honduran Red Fin - cryptoheros sp honduran red point. There are breeding farms that have crossed the Honduran Red Point to regular convicts, and the resulting fry have been sold off as "Blue Convicts." So, be careful when purchasing anything simply labelled as "Blue Convicts" Cryptoheros Honduran Red Point Messaggio di Azius » 10/03/2019, 15:21 Da qualche ricerca risulta essere un Dubai 80, manca una parte di coperchio, terrei l'acqua a circa 40 cm, così darei spazio alle galleggianti senza problemi.