

jharkhand online land records state government instructed all the state revenue offices for making online land services for property in the state. This online record was done by the ZAP IT and JSAC team. The district missal that has been recorded online for 1923-24 and 1924-25.

click here to refresh. 2018-11-14 And it change into Municipal Corporation on 9 February 2015. Total 35 wards came under Chas Municipality with total area of 2937 ha. Total population of Chas as per Census 2001, is 97,221 which is 12% of the total urban population of the district (1.6% of the total urban population of Jharkhand) and as per Census 2011, is 1, 41,618.

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User Name: Password: Captcha: Can't read the image? click here to refresh. 2018-11-14 And it change into Municipal Corporation on 9 February 2015. Total 35 wards came under Chas Municipality with total area of 2937 ha. Total population of Chas as per Census 2001, is 97,221 which is 12% of the total urban population of the district (1.6% of the total urban population of Jharkhand) and as per Census 2011, is 1, 41,618.

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