7 Aug 2011 Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Titov arrives at Moscow airport after the Vostok 2 space mission, on August 09, 1961. Guerman Titov became the 


Vostok NAO Oil Company, to conduct geological exploration and prospecting has started pilot production at the R. Trebs and A. Titov fields in the Nenets 

Rymdskepp "Vostok". Titov, Popovich, Nikolaev och Bykovsky Efter Gagarin flög de ut i rymden. Fler och fler nya astronauter Den här dagen 1963 lyfte Valentina Teresjkova mot rymden i Vostok 6 och blev den första kvinnan i rymden. Efter nästan #Gagarin #Teresjkova #Titov and 2 ? NIO RYMDFARARE. Jurij Gagarin.

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(Vostok-14) Startplatta LC-1. Vostok-2, Gherman Titov. 1961-08-06, Baikonur kosmodrom. den 12 april 1961 färdades ett varv runt jorden i rymdskeppet Vostok.

den 12 april 1961 ombord på Vostok 1 och cirkulerade runt jorden. rymden är Gherman Titov, som var 25 år gammal när han flög Vostok 2.

(27) As Titov climbed to his spacecraft struggling with summer heat, Nikolaev stayed in the bus until a 30-minute readiness for the launch had been announced. He then put off the spacesuit and went to a viewing point to see the liftoff. (508)(509) Vostok-2 lifted of on Aug. 6, 1961, at 08:59:57 Moscow Time. Vostok-2 mission: First day in space Less than four months after Yuri Gagarin's pioneering one-orbit flight, USSR stunned the world with yet another space first on August 6, 1961.

Với chuyến bay vào vũ trụ ngày 6 tháng 8 năm 1961 trên tàu Vostok 2, Titov trở thành người thứ hai bay quanh Trái Đất, trước đó là Yuri Gagarin trên Vostok 1.

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Behind him sat backup cosmonaut Gherman Titov in a similar suit, and second backup Grigori Nelyubov. Yuri Gagarin aboard Vostok 1, as televised to launch Gherman Titov, Nikita Khrushchev and Yuri Gagarin on the Red Square in Moscow on 20 November 1961. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Four months later, Gherman Titov, Gagarin’s backup for the Vostok 1 mission, got his own spaceflight, becoming the second human to orbit the Earth and the first person to spend a full day in space. And while Titov was a poetry-loving teacher’s son, Gagarin represented the ideal communist pin-up: a humble farm boy who rose up from rags to reach the stars. And as Vostok 1 progressed A Vostok rocket similar to the one that carried Yuri Gagarin on his flight to space is displayed in Moscow, Russia, Friday, April 9, 2021. From left are Gherman Titov, Yuri Gagarin, Khrushchev Vostok 2 (russo:Восток-2 - Leste 2 ou Oriente 2) foi a segunda missão do Programa Vostok, o primeiro projeto tripulado do programa espacial soviético, realizado entre 6 e 7 de agosto de 1961.

Not surprisingly, Titov experienced a chaotic rollercoaster in the interim. Like all Vostok cosmonauts, Titov ejected from his capsule during its descent through the atmosphere and completed the landing under his own parachute, or rather two, because a spare one deployed again unexpectedly, as it had done during Gagarin's landing. 2020-12-16 2012-04-12 Vostok 2 (Russian: Восток-2, Orient 2 or East 2) was a Soviet space mission which carried cosmonaut Gherman Titov into orbit for a full day on August 6, 1961 to study the effects of a more prolonged period of weightlessness on the human body. Titov orbited the Earth over 17 times, exceeding the single orbit of Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1 − as well as the suborbital spaceflights of Vostok 3 and 4 took off from the same launch pad a day apart and were placed in such accurate orbits that the spacecraft passed within 6.5 km of each other. No closer rendezvous than this was possible, however, because the Vostoks were not equipped for maneuvering.
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1961-08-06, Baikonur kosmodrom.

Competing with the United States Project Mercury, it succeeded in placing the first human into space, Yuri Gagarin, in a single orbit in Vostok 1 on April 12, 1961.
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Den sovjetiska kosmonauten German Titov sköts upp med Vostok 2 och cirklade runt jorden i drygt ett dygn. Under 17 varv avverkade han 702 730 kilometer.

Commander "Vostok-2". He made the first long-duration space flight (01 days 01 hour and 18 minutes) on August 6-7,  2 Aug 2017 In 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Titov became the second man to orbit Earth as he flew aboard Vostok 2; his call sign, "Eagle," prompted  26 Feb 2007 Vostok and Konstantin Feoktistov. Courtesy: Gagarin: Vostok-1,04/12/61, 1 h 48 min. ○ Primary Titov: Vostok-2, 08/06/61, 1 d 1h 18 min. 20 Tháng Chín 2013 Gherman Titov sinh ra ở Verhnee Zhilino, phía nam liên bang Nga. Ngày 06/08 /1961, Titov đã bay lên không gian trên tàu vũ trụ Vostok-2. 7 Aug 2011 Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Titov arrives at Moscow airport after the Vostok 2 space mission, on August 09, 1961. Guerman Titov became the  14 Apr 2013 The spherical Vostok capsule lacked thrusters to slow it down, and But the cosmonaut who followed him into space, German Titov, went up  The Vostok 3KA space capsule was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome on entry, Kamanin wrote that he was still undecided between Gagarin and Titov.

(Det hjälpte också till att han var kort i statur eftersom Vostok 1: s kapsel var liten.) Kosmonaut-praktikanten Gherman Titov valdes till att vara 

This condition was unknown at the time, leading Soviet scientists to devote efforts to study the effect of spaceflight on the human body. In 1961, Soviet rocket engineer Sergei Korolev pushed for a three-day spaceflight as a follow-up to Vostok 2. Vostok-2 mission: First day in space Less than four months after Yuri Gagarin's pioneering one-orbit flight, USSR stunned the world with yet another space first on August 6, 1961. This time, Yuri's backup, Gherman Titov, spent a day in space aboard the Vostok-2 spacecraft. Gherman Titov, Nikita Khrushchev and Yuri Gagarin on the Red Square in Moscow on 20 November 1961. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Four months later, Gherman Titov, Gagarin’s backup for the Vostok 1 mission, got his own spaceflight, becoming the second human to orbit the Earth and the first person to spend a full day in space.

Titov was accepted in 1953 for aviation cadet 2016-08-06 Gherman Titov had suffered space sickness during his record-breaking one-day mission aboard Vostok 2.This condition was unknown at the time, leading Soviet scientists to devote efforts to study the effect of spaceflight on the human body.. In 1961, Soviet rocket engineer Sergei Korolev pushed for a three-day spaceflight as a follow-up to Vostok 2. 2012-01-21 Vostok 2 oli Neuvostoliiton toinen miehitetty avaruuslento.Alus laukaistiin 6. elokuuta 1961. Kosmonautti German Titov vietti avaruudessa runsaat 25 tuntia.Tänä aikana hän ehti kiertää maapallon 17 kertaa. Kiertoradan matalin piste oli 172 km ja korkein 221 kilometriä Vostok 2 medzitým vyletel zo zemského tieňa, preletel cez Atlantický oceán, nad Afrikou a Stredozemným morom.