Lund University, School of Economics & Management BUSN43 Department of Business Administration Course Curriculum for BUSN43 Corporate Social Responsibility Business Administration, Master level, 7.5 University Credit Points (UCP) or ECTS-credits Main Field of Study: Business Administration Progression level: A1N


This article examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) from the angle of critical theory. It begins by arguing that values shape corporate decisions in three general ways: managerial choices, routines, and reasoning processes; governmental regulation, incentives, tax structures, and oversight; and consumption choices within market systems.

Service-dominant logic. Product vs. Service offerings. The complexity of service offerings and the management of service.

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Lund: Arkiv förlag. • Morsing, Mette & Midttun, Atle & Palmås, Karl. 2007. Corporate Social Responsibility in Scandinavia – A Turn Towards the Business  The GCE Group is Europe's leading gas-equipment company and is organised according to four business areas: Process Applications, Cutting and Welding,  Margareta Danielsson och Susanne Holmlund på Hankens bibliotek berättar Hanken disclaims any responsibility for the availability of the service and for Social Security Administration public data, the first name Hanken was not present. Hanken) is a university-level business school located in Helsinki and Vaasa. v.

16 Aug 2020 PETER LUND‐THOMSEN To explain supplier perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in GVCs, in this article, we develop a new 

Educated at Lund University and Stockholm University in Sweden, and Holmqvist Mikael (2009): “Corporate Social responsibility as Corporate Social control. Borglund, Tommy, De Geer, Hans, Sweet, Susanne (2017), CSR and sustainable business.

Fil kand examen i företagsekonomi vid Uppsala universitet, magisterexamen i Under 2010 utkom "Making Corporate Social Responsibility a Global Concern: 

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Business Ethics | 3:e upplagan Lund University School of Economics and Management. Search. Meny. Start. Invitation | Conference on Fair Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Start.

Department of Social and Economic Geography, Lund University, 2007. 199 p. (Meddelande från Lunds universitets geografiska institutionen. Avhandlingar; 172). title = "Corporate Social Responsibility and Development: Case of the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline Project", abstract = "As society today increasingly understands the impact of transnational corporate operations, an increasing recognition on the part of corporations of their responsibility for social and environmental well being of people in poor countries appears. Corporate Social Responsibility and Development : Case of the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline Project. / Lekunze, Ransom.
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Sustainable Brand Index™ yearly ranks brands on sustainability. The rankings These are Sweden's most sustainable brands of 2021 according to Swedish consumers.

Professor Peter Lund Thomsen, Center for Corporate Social Responsibility/Center for Boston University Libraries.
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Vår forskning bedrivs i nära samarbete med industrier som LKAB, Ericsson, Boliden, ABB, Epiroc och ledande internationella universitet. Luleå tekniska universitet 

We will display information that is complementary to the course.

Vilket värde ger och vilken betydelse har kommunikation för varumärkesbyggande, kriser, förändringar, opinionsbildning och CSR (Corporate 

This is the facebook page for Corporate Social Responsibility.

The topic has received both positive but also negative  in 2018 organised jointly by the University of Copenhagen, Lund University and Hanken Corporate Social Responsibility Affärsverksamhet och ekonomi. Fair Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility University of Copenhagen in 2018 organised jointly by the University of Copenhagen, Lund University and  Gert PAULSSON | Cited by 395 | of Lund University, Lund (LU) | Read 9 publications | Contact Gert PAULSSON. Corporate Social Responsibility · Costing. av M Liefke · 2019 — Concepts such as “corporate social responsibility”, “triple bottom line” and the environmental consequences of animal experimentation at Lund University and  Startsida stiftelsen TEM vid Lunds Universitet. CSR Skåne träff: Elektrifiering av fordonsflottan - utmaningar och möjligheter.