for the RAIN network, building collaborations between artists' initiatives from Africa, Asia, and Latin-America and artists from the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam.
Documenta Juris Canonici Veteris MPL071 1163C - 1163C 0500-0600 AA VV De Legibus Francorum 1815-1875, Migne, Patrologia Latina Volumen 000
Patrologia Latina (PL) est series longissima operum ab auctoribus Christianis confectorum a saeculo II usque ad saeculum XIII.Seriem divulgavit Iacobus Paulus Migne inter annos 1844 et 1855; tabulae alphabeticae et analyticae inter annos 1862 et 1865 editae sunt. Patrologia Graeco-Latina (PG) Greek texts, with Latin translation, reaching the Council of Florence (1439). Thanks to the scholars of his time, J.P. Migne (1800-1875) made his collection a fairly complete set of the best editions in his time. A Patrologia Latina é unha enorme colección de textos cristiáns da Antigüidade, da Antigüidade tardía e de textos medievais que contén os escritos dos Pais da Igrexa que escribiron en latín e outros autores eclesiásticos en 217 volumes, publicada por Jacques-Paul Migne entre 1844 e 1855; os tomos de índices até un total de 221 publicáronse entre 1862 e 1865. Patrologia Latina Database offers 221 volumes of works written by the Latin Fathers in a fully-searchable electronic format. The Patrologia Latina is the extraordinary achievement of the nine-teenth-century scholar and priest, Jacques-Paul Migne. It covers the works of the Latin Fathers from Tertullian around 200 a.
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There are OCR mistakes. Documenta Juris Canonici Veteris MPL071 1163C - 1163C 0500-0600 AA VV De Legibus Francorum 1815-1875, Migne, Patrologia Latina Volumen 000 Patrologia Latina Database (UK) or Patrologia Latina Database (USA) (subscription required). (in French) Many latin and greek editions with translation in french. A comprehensive catalog of PL volumes in Google Books and Gallica , where was included duplicated imprints, with the year and the edition of each volume founded [Migne and/or Garnier brothers], by Francisco Arriaga [Updated May 11 1815-1875, Migne, Patrologia Latina Volumen 000 Pachomius Abbas Tabennense [0292-0348] Reditus ad initium paginae: Reditus in indicem primum: Volumen : Ab Ad 1815-1875, Migne, Patrologia Latina Volumen 000 Baldricus Dolensis Archiepiscopus [1114-1130] Reditus ad initium paginae: Reditus in indicem Welcome to patrologia_latina-dev! About This repository does not contain the full collection but those works which haven't already been covered by our CSEL digitisation effort .
The Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina comprises critical editions of all the Latin texts from the first eight centuries of the Christian era, from Tertullian to Bede
2017-01-31 Patrologia Graeca. Link: Part of Documenta Catholica Omnia, a browsable collection of links to Latin and Greek religious texts including the Christian scriptures, theology, liturgy, canon law, and papal and synodal legislation and decrees, from apostolic times through the reign of Benedict XVI. 2017-11-09 Patrologia Latina Digitalized Database at Documenta Catholica Omnia. (in French) Many latin and greek editions with translation in french.
Documenta Catholica Omnia PDF's of much of the Patrologia Latina Polytonic Greek OCR of PG from the Lace repository at Mount Allison University : vol. 45 , vol. 46 Works by Jacques-Paul Migne at Project Gutenberg
Migne. Parisiis. tomus 1 (1844) - tomus 221 (1864), reprinted in the 1880s.
0 ratings0% found demutationis diuina etiam documenta testantur. mutatur Moset manus, et quidem
Clemens I av Rom (Clemens Romanus; Clemens latin den milde), var påve från cirka 91 till cirka 101. Han räknas som en av de så kallade apostoliska fäderna,
Lingua galega Magyar nyelv italiano 日本語 Lingua latina Nederlands język polski português Limba română русский Documenta Catholica Omnia author ID.
I: 23 Medieval Latin I: 24 Environmental Rerum ecclesiasticarum documenta. Series maior. Fontes 9–10. Migne, Patrologia græca, 6. 428.
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století, která vyšla v 221 svazcích v letech 1844-1864 zásluhou francouzského kněze Jacquese Paula Migneho Patrologia Latina (PL) estas enorma kolekto de la verkoj de la Patroj de la Eklezio kaj de aliaj ekleziaj latinlingvaj verkistoj, realigita en la jaroj ekde 1844 ĝis 1855 de franca pastro Jacques Paul Migne.
A Patrologia Latina é unha enorme colección de textos cristiáns da Antigüidade, da Antigüidade tardía e de textos medievais que contén os escritos dos Pais da Igrexa que escribiron en latín e outros autores eclesiásticos en 217 volumes, publicada por Jacques-Paul Migne entre 1844 e 1855; os tomos de índices até un total de 221 publicáronse entre 1862 e 1865. Patrologia latina, úplný názov Patrologiae latinae cursus completus, skrátene PL, je najvýznamnejšia edícia patristických spisov 19.
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Patrologia Graeco-Latina (PG) Greek texts, with Latin translation, reaching the Council of Florence (1439). Thanks to the scholars of his time, J.P. Migne (1800-1875) made his collection a fairly complete set of the best editions in his time.
25 May 2010 means of the Patrologia Latina, a corpus of Latin texts from important text corpus of Christian docu- comprising 8,508 documents (including. Listen to audio recordings of prominent writers from Latin America, the Iberian See Documenta Catholica Omnia for another version and the Patrologia Graeca Databases: Patrologia Latina A largely Latin-language full text database covering the major and minor Latin authors whose writings comprise the most influential a Hypertext Bible commentary: put together by Tim Bulkeley; Patrologia Latina Documents of the Roman Catholic Church: including Vatican II documents! for the RAIN network, building collaborations between artists' initiatives from Africa, Asia, and Latin-America and artists from the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam.
La Patrologia Latina è unenorme raccolta di scritti dei Padri della Chiesa e di altri scrittori ecclesiastici in lingua latina, realizzata tra il 1844 e il 1855.
Patrología latina. 27 Abr 2007 289. DOCUMENTA La collana di patrologia latina si proponeva di pubblicare gli autori di lingua latina fino alla morte di Innocenzo III (1216); 12 Dic 2017 “Gemma Animae”, Documenta Catholica. Omnia. De Scriptoribus Ecclesiae Relatis. Migne JP. Patrologia Latina. MPL172, Col. 0541 - 0738B.
It covers the works of the Latin Fathers from Tertullian around 200 a. d. to the death Patrologia Latina (PL) estas enorma kolekto de la verkoj de la Patroj de la Eklezio kaj de aliaj ekleziaj latinlingvaj verkistoj, realigita en la jaroj ekde 1844 ĝis 1855 de franca pastro Jacques Paul Migne. Ĝi entute enhavas 221 volumojn inkluzive de la indeksoj. Ĝi estas kutime indikata per "Migne".