WntResearch AB engages in the research and development of novel anti-metastatic therapies for the treatment of cancer patients. Its products include Foxy-5 and Box-5. The company was founded by


WntResearch announced that the rights issue of units that was approved by the extraordinary general meeting on 15 April 2020 had been completed. The subscription rate of the rights issue was 128.4 percent. The rights issue provided the Company approximately MSEK 38.1 in proceeds before issuance costs.

The research is  WntResearch AB. mar 2016 – nov 2020 4 år 9 månader. Malmo, Sweden. WntResearch has entered the clinical development phase with the company's first  WntResearch has developed. Foxy-5, a peptide mimicking. WNT5A. ▫The formulation developed for the. Foxy-5 hexapeptide is a freeze dried product.

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Därtill kan WntResearch komma att tillföras ytterligare cirka 24 MSEK före emissionskostnader om  Kapitalet kommer att finansiera studien fram tills en indikation på Foxy-5:s behandlingseffekt i patienter Swiss Medical Weekly - Targeting the Wnt signalling pathway Wntresearch - Twitter Search. Äg inte Wnt Research | Peter Benson & Jonas Jendi picture. {{ $select.selected.num + '. ' +$select.selected.name }}.

2020-11-14 · WntResearch AB (WntResearch) is a biotechnology company that develops innovative anti-metastatic therapies for the treatment of cancer. The company has projects such as Foxy-5 and Box-5. Its lead project, Foxy-5, is being evaluated in other conditions including other types of cancer and non-cancer diseases, and the company finalized Phase 1 clinical trials of the compound in metastatic cancer.

Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Bolaget emitterar units, bestående av aktier och vederlagsfria teckningsoptioner. WntResearch is active in biotechnology. Today the main focus is on the development of drug candidates for various metastatic forms of cancer.

Styrelsen för WntResearch AB har beslutat om en fullt garanterad företrädesemission om cirka 56,4 MSEK i enlighet med tidigare offentliggjord avsikt. Bakgrund och motiv i sammandrag. Teckningsoptionsvillkor. Teckna units via Mangold Fondkomission AB. Prospekt. Sammanfattning av Företrädesemissionen

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The offering gives existing shareholders the opportunity for each WntResearch share to buy ¼ of a new WntResearch share at SEK 15 and to get a free option to buy 1/16 of a WntResearch share in September 2018 at a price of SEK 22.5.

Information om Bolaget och organisationsstruktur. Bolagets registrerade företagsnamn (tillika handelsbeteck- ning) är Wntresearch aB med organisationsnummer 556738-7864. Wntresearch är ett svenskt publikt aktiebo- lag som bildades den 4 september 2007 och registrerades vid Bolagsverket den 24 september 2007. • Företrädesemissionen kommer vid full teckning att tillföra WntResearch cirka 56,4 MSEK före emissionskostnader.
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Bolagets fokus är WNT5A, ett protein som förhindrar den metastatiska processen i kroppen och visionen är att cancerpatienter ska slippa metastaser. Idag drabbas var tredje person av cancer och cirka 90 procent av alla cancerrelaterade dödsfall WntResearch announced that the rights issue of units that was approved by the extraordinary general meeting on 15 April 2020 had been completed. The subscription rate of the rights issue was 128.4 percent. The rights issue provided the Company approximately MSEK 38.1 … 2020-11-12 About WntResearch. WntResearch is a research and development company in oncology that develops new treatments intended to inhibit metastasis formation in cancers.

För att läsa inlägget i  WntResearch #Sitdown​ (Q1 2016).
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WntResearch "WntResearch has a clean approach, while others are dealing with "dirty" drugs" Moderatorer: Inga Användare online på forumet just nu: Inga 

Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Bolaget emitterar units, bestående av aktier och vederlagsfria teckningsoptioner.

14 maj 2020 Genom företrädesemissionen, som övertecknades till 128,4 procent, tillförs WntResearch AB en kontant emissionslikvid om cirka 38,1 miljoner 

The subscription rate of the rights issue was 128.4 percent. The rights issue provided the Company approximately MSEK 38.1 in proceeds before issuance costs. Costs amounted to MSEK 15.4 (17.1) The result before and after taxes amounted to MSEK -15.4 (-17.1) Earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.41 (-0.73) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE THIRD QUARTER. WntResearch received a positive opinion from the European Patent Office, EPO, regarding Foxy-5 manufacturing. Antal aktier (Mln) 25,4 Free float 88% Ticker WNT Nästa rapport 2020-08-13 Hemsida wntresearch.com Kursutveckling 1m 3m 12m WNT -6,2 -74,6 -76,3 OMXSPI 8,3 -12,7 -20,3 Ägarstruktur Kapital Värde (MSEK) Avanza Pension 11,1% 14,6 Nordnet Pension 10,7% 7,4 Kjell Stenberg 5,8% 7,2 Tommy Andersson 4,2% 5,8 Lars-Erik Forsgårdh 1,8% 4,8 Following this notification, WntResearch has decided to start the NeoFox study in Hungary.

Latest Share Price and Events. Stable Share Price: WNT is more volatile than 75% of Swedish stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 10% a week. 2021-04-08 It is worth noting that 2020 has also meant strengthened finances for WntResearch. At the end of April and early May, the company completed a rights issue of approximately 38 million SEK. When the rights issue was concluded, it had been subscribed to as much as 128.4 per cent, which indicates that the market has a great interest in the company. Last Thursday, biotech company WntResearch published its year-end report for 2019.