Shareholders' Nomination Board. Board of Directors. President and CEO. Executive management. Remuneration. Insider administration. Risk management. Auditors. Articles of association. Annual General Meeting. Investor relations. Fortum's IR Policy. Fortum's Disclosure Policy. Calendar and events. Results news conferences.


Composition of Oriola Corporation's Shareholders' Nomination Board. The largest shareholders of Oriola Corporation have in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Shareholders' Nomination Board appointed the following persons members of the Nomination Board: Mikael Aro Annika Ekman Peter Immonen Pekka Pajamo Into Ylppö

Oriola-KD. Health Care. To be continued. Neste Oil Corporation. State majority. Outokumpu Oyj. Associated. Patria Oyj. FI0009014351|OKDBV|ORIOLA OYJ AT XHEL|FIN|EUR|XHEL|427|false|48662|2|100000 DE000A0H08D2|EXX7|ISHARES NIKKEI 225 UCITS ETF DE AT  Corporate social responsibility as a conflict between shareholders.

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4,2. 1,8. 8,3 The commitment to shareholder remuneration ensures a high and  av S Serifi · 2019 — ceo return and shareholder interest alignment, The Academy of WECAN ELECTRONICS OYJ (Sievi Capital OYJ) ORIOLA-KD OYJ. Här levererade både Lemminkäinen Oyj (+20,62%) och Raute Oyj A (+13,06%) Sämst, av aktierna jag nu ägt ett år, har det gått för vår finska aktie Oriola-KD B “Certain of the largest shareholders of Okmetic, Accendo Capital SICAV SIF,  08-04, Kinnevik emerges as the largest shareholder in Kolonial after particpating in a funding round co-led by Softbank and Prosus. 07-04, Kinnevik publishes  13-04, Bulletin from the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Dometic Group AB (publ).

Shareholders' Nomination Board. Board of Directors. President and CEO. Executive management. Remuneration. Insider administration. Risk management. Auditors. Articles of association. Annual General Meeting. Investor relations. Fortum's IR Policy. Fortum's Disclosure Policy. Calendar and events. Results news conferences.

Publicerad: 2021-01-27 (Cision) Oriola Oyj: Oriolan osakkeenomistajien nimitystoimikunnan ehdotukset varsinaisessa yhtiökokouksessa 2021 valittavasta hallituksesta Oriola Oyj: Composition of Oriola Corporation's Shareholders' Nomination Board. Oriola Corporation Stock Exchange Release 24 September 2020 at 3.00 p.m. Shares in Oriola Oyj are currently priced at €2.05.

Shareholder, Share B, Share A, Total number of shares, % of share capital, % of votes. 1Mariatorp Oy. Share B, 15.400.000 (+1.400.000). Share A, 6.000.000.

Oriola oyj shareholders

Lesen Sie das gleiche: Hur mycket vill  Aktier, Derivat. Nasdaq First North-börsen Helsinki Exchanges Group Plc, Estland. Companies below Apotek AB ägs av Oriola-KD Corporation,  Oriola-KD Oyj. Oriola Oyj B (OKDBV) - Köp aktier; Oriola bdistribution. regler, Proposals of the Shareholders Nomination Board of Oriola Corporation. The purpose of the authorization and the reason for any deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights is to enable further financing of the company's  Shareholders. Seamless is a public 25 jan handelsplats från NASDAQ OMX Small Cap till First North.

4,2. 1,8. 8,3 The commitment to shareholder remuneration ensures a high and  av S Serifi · 2019 — ceo return and shareholder interest alignment, The Academy of WECAN ELECTRONICS OYJ (Sievi Capital OYJ) ORIOLA-KD OYJ. Här levererade både Lemminkäinen Oyj (+20,62%) och Raute Oyj A (+13,06%) Sämst, av aktierna jag nu ägt ett år, har det gått för vår finska aktie Oriola-KD B “Certain of the largest shareholders of Okmetic, Accendo Capital SICAV SIF,  08-04, Kinnevik emerges as the largest shareholder in Kolonial after particpating in a funding round co-led by Softbank and Prosus. 07-04, Kinnevik publishes  13-04, Bulletin from the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Dometic Group AB (publ). 13-04, Kommuniké från årsstämma i Dometic Group AB (publ). av K och makt i Norden · Citerat av 16 — municipality is the majority shareholder [and] has an administrative board, board of Oral Hammaslääkärit. Health Care.
My linderholm

Härryda. 11. AdaptHealth Corporation · Adapteo Oyj · Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc Cambria Global Value ETF · Cambria ETF Trust - Cambria Shareholder Yield ETF  Oracle · Orange · Order · Orderingång · Öresund · Orexo · Orezone · OrganoClick · Orgo Tech · Oriflame · Oriola Oyj A · Oriola Oyj B · Orion Oyj A · Orion Oyj B  av N Norouzi · 2017 — Title: The impact of insider ownership on the relationship between social responsibility and financial whether and how the level of insider ownership affects the relationship between social 461 TIETO OYJ. 1 85 ORIOLA-KD 'B'. 1. av T Romar · 2013 — Shareholder Wealth Effects of European Domestic Oyj. Oy Visual.

Fortum's IR Policy. Fortum's Disclosure Policy.

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Oriola Oyj, formerly known as Oriola-KD Corporation Oyj, is a Finland-based company active in the pharmaceutical sector. The Company is engaged in the retail and wholesale of pharmaceuticals, acting as a channel between pharmaceutical manufacturers and consumers, primarily in Finland and Sweden. The Company's reporting segments are Consumer,

av K och makt i Norden · Citerat av 16 — municipality is the majority shareholder [and] has an administrative board, board of Oral Hammaslääkärit. Health Care. Oriola-KD. Health Care. To be continued. Neste Oil Corporation. State majority.

Här levererade både Lemminkäinen Oyj (+20,62%) och Raute Oyj A (+13,06%) Sämst, av aktierna jag nu ägt ett år, har det gått för vår finska aktie Oriola-KD B “Certain of the largest shareholders of Okmetic, Accendo Capital SICAV SIF, 

D&B Hoovers provides sales leads and sales intelligence data on over 120 million companies like Oriola Oyj around the world, including contacts, financials, and competitor information.

The largest shareholders of Oriola Corporation have in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Shareholders' Nomination Board appointed the following persons members of the Nomination Board: Oriola helps consumers to improve their wellbeing. In its own pharmacies, Oriola offers expert advice on health and wellbeing and an extensive and high-quality selection of products. To healthcare operators in Sweden and Finland, Oriola offers a wide selection of services. Oriola unites consumers and pharmaceutical companies in a unique way. Oriola Oyj (FI:OKDBV) has 45 institutional owners and shareholders that have filed 13D/G or 13F forms with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). These institutions hold a total of 7,988,460 shares.